Announcing Our Three Newest Roasts
As proud purveyors of a wide array of coffee, WestBean is very excited to announce our newest 3 single-origin coffees. Our 3 newest coffees are all single origin, but produce much different tasting notes and are roasted accordingly to pull out the best flavors in the coffee and a little something for everyone. Introducing our Ethiopia Tafachi (light roast), Rwanda Vunga (light-medium roast), and Colombia Jerico (medium roast).
For those who favor the lighter floral and stone fruit notes in your coffee, the Ethiopia Tafachi is roasted light and creates the perfect light afternoon pour over. Scaling slightly darker with another African coffee, our Rwanda Vunga keeps your taste buds entertained with some heavy honey and caramelized flavors. To close out our balanced trio, the Colombia Jerico brings the chocolate in with its medium profile and vanilla sweet qualities.
Want to try these out? We want you to as well, so make the #wisedecision today and take 20% off any of these 3 coffees using our coupon code “NEWBEANS."